lunedì 30 gennaio 2012

Course of jewels designer

The courses to become designers of jewlery and precious are for all of those who are provided of creativity and of an aesthetic skill; in fact the designer of the jewlery does not have only to know the trens of fashion but they also have to have fantasy and the suitable art to make jewlery as a piece of art.
They have to know the different shapes of bodies, because the jewelry pieces have to fit very well on  our body and exalt our elegance and beauty.

Today the large business of the fashion seek these professional figures that they are in a position of to create precious products departing person from the requests plans from the trend. The course of designer of the jewlery is complex, is proposed to teach the pupil the technologies of planning of the jewlery, and besides is in a position of to supply the information on the story of the jewlery and on the varied laboratories and businesses goldsmiths that knew to create with innovation and style of the sole products.

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